
To reflect on your own decision to become a teacher


To reflect on your own decision to become a teacher.

Evidence and reflection

In Section 1.1 we explored the importance of early feelings in relation to motivation, aspiration and determination. Write for yourself a short piece, recollecting why you decided to train to become a teacher. If appropriate, also record your feelings at the point of qualifying.


Read what you have written and highlight where you have made reference to specific value commitments. List these, and try to identify personal experiences that informed why they were so important. (For example: to inspire people to want to discover the joy of literature – because of what my Year 7 English teacher did for me; to encourage every child to be confident enough to ‘have a go’ and persevere – because of the PE teacher who told me I’d never get picked for the football team.)

Share your thinking with colleagues and discuss the range of motivations which inform ‘becoming a teacher’.

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