
To identify elements of practice that could be unconsciously discriminative


To identify elements of practice that could be unconsciously discriminative


It is sometimes hard to identify if your session is inclusive for all learners, and if there are patterns in your interaction with certain students.  To help you it is sometimes useful to pair up with a colleague and observe each other's practice: 

  • When observing your colleague, ensure it is a session that involves a high degree of interaction with pupils. Make some notes on when your colleague interacts with pupils: are their patterns in whom they interact with?  Where they adjusting the level of their questioning for certain students and was it obvious? etc.
  • Afterwards, discuss the pattern of interaction with your colleague noting the characteristics of each individual according to the key social categories of gender, race, social class, ability, and age. Did any kind of pattern emerge with certain social groups receiving more attention than others? Were all students included equally in the learning that was taking place and if not how could this be addressed?

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