
1. Identity

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Reflective Activities

Understanding ourselves as teachers

Knowing our sector and our students

Learning and teaching through life

Further Reading


The suggestions for Further Readings below, as for each chapter on this website, follow the structure of the printed book chapter. So, in this instance, we begin with a discussion about our journeys into teaching, before beginning to explore our sector, its learners and their reasons for continuing or returning to education. We finish the chapter by introducing the concept of reflection, our views about teaching and what impact these views will have for a teacher in FAVE.

For a discussion on the theme of “teacher-self” and teachers as autonomous individuals see:

Zembylas, M. (2003) Interrogating “Teacher Identity”: Emotion, Resistance and self-formation. Educational Theory V53, I1, Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

For an insight into who our learners are and why they return to study:

Scanlon, L. (2008) 'Adults' motives for returning to study: the role of self-authoring', Studies In Continuing Education, V30, I1, pp. 17-32, Professional Development Collection, EBSCOhost.

Research Briefings