
To evaluate progress towards an inclusive setting in your own setting


To evaluate progress towards an inclusive setting in your own setting.

Evidence and reflection

Take time to consider how inclusive your setting us. This may take place over a number of days or weeks. There are many indicators which you might consider. A list of suggestions is provided below.

  1. Are children helped to learn to respect each other? Do we support children to recognize each other’s contribution and each other talents? Which is emphasized most, the achievement of children or the learning efforts that are made? Are older children supported to be helpful and play with younger children rather than them always being separated?
  2. In decisions about the curriculum, are the interests of all children recognized and given appropriate attention? How is a child’s previous experience drawn on in your planning?
  3. Are the children supported to develop an understanding of their own cultures, religions, communities?
  4. Are dimensions of difference recognized and celebrated? (see Chapter 15) Are children supported to understand that others have needs, views, cultures and beliefs different to their own?
  5. How wide‑ranging are the achievements which are valued? Does every child experience at least some success to reinforce their self‑belief and commitment to learning?
    Having completed your review, consider how you could develop the setting climate to increase children’s confidence as learners?


Discuss your finding with a colleague. Do they have an idea about ways in which you could develop the setting climate to increase children’s confidence as learners?
Together can you recognize and implement/discuss with your manager any action points?

More in this chapter