
6. Relationships

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Reflective Activities

  • To evaluate progress towards an inclusive setting in your own setting

  • Further Reading


    For leadership and management support try:

    Briggs, M. and Briggs, I. (2009) Developing your leadership in the early years. London: Continuum.

    Cable, C. and Miller, L. (2011) Professionalization, Leadership and Management in the Early Years, London: Sage Publications.

    Lindon, J. and Lindon, L. (2011) Leadership and Early Years Professionalism, Abingdon: Hodder Education.

    Robins, A. and Callan, S. (2009) Managing early years settings: supporting and leading teams, London: Sage Publications.

    Rodd, J. (2013) Leadership in Early Childhood: The Pathway to Professionalism, Berkshire: McGraw-Hill, Open University Press.

    Siraj-Blatchford, I. and Hallet, E. (2013) Effective and Caring Leadership in the Early Years, London: Sage Publications.

    Siraj-Blatchford, I., Manni, L. and University of London, Institute of Education (2007) Effective Leadership in the Eearly Years Sector: the ELEYS study, London: University of London, Institute of Education.

    Clark, R. (2012) “I've never thought of myself as a leader but ...” the Early Years Professional and catalytic leadership, European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 20 (3) pp. 391-401.

    Clark, R. M. and Murray, J. (2012) Reconceptualizing leadership in the early years, Berkshire: Open University Press.

    Garvey, D., Lancaster, A. and National Children's Bureau (2010) Leadership for quality in early years and playwork: supporting your team to achieve better outcomes for children and families, National Children’s Bureau.

    Waniganayake, M. (2012) Leadership: Contexts and Complexities in Early Childhood Education, Berkshire: Oxford University Press.

    Text which help develop understandings of how interactions and social relationships impact upon learning include:

    Bandura, A. (1977) Social Learning Theory, New York: General Learning Press.

    Howes, C. and Farver, J. (1987) ‘Social pretend play in 2-year-olds: effects of age of partner’, Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 2: 305-314.

    Kutnick, P. and Brighi, A., with Avgitidou, S., Genta, M.L., Hannikainen, M., Karlsson-Lohmander., M. and Ortega Riuz, R. (2007) ‘The role and practice of interpersonal relationships in European early education settings: sites for enhancing social inclusion, personal growth and learning?’ European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 15 (3): 379-406.

    A general overview of research on classroom relationships is provided by:

    Rogers, C. and Kutnick, P. (1990) The Social Psychology of the Primary School, London: Routledge.

    Watson, D., Emery, C. J. and Bayliss, P. (2012) Children's Social and Emotional Wellbeing in Schools, Bristol: Policy Press.

    Humphrey, N. (2013) Social and Emotional Learning: A Critical Appraisal, London: Sage Publications.

    Baines, E., Blatchford, P., Kutnick, P., Chowne, A., Ota, C. and Berdondini, L. (2009) Promoting Effective Group Work in the Primary Classroom: A Handbook For Teachers And Practitioners, London: Routledge.

    And in early years settings:

    Dowling, M. (2014) Young Children’s Personal Social and Emotional Development (4th edn), London: Sage Publications.

    Mathieson, K. (2005) Social Skills in the Early Years: Supporting Social and Behavioural Learning, London: Paul Chapman Publishing. 

    Parker-Rees, R. (2007) 'Liking to be liked: imitation, familiarity and pedagogy in the first years of life' Early Years: An International Journal of Research and Development 27, (1) pp. 3-17.

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