
To examine how an exposition is structured


To examine how an exposition is structured. 

Are the instructions, directions, descriptions and explanations clear, concise and coherent? 

Has the speaker:

  • planned what is going to be said?
  • stated the outline structure of the exposition?  ('advance organisers' eg:  ‘We are going to find out...’).
  • selected the key points: identified and made explicit the  relevance of each and their relationship to each other?  (‘There are four things we need to think about ...  because ...’)
  • sequenced key points appropriately?
  • used short, simple sentences: explained specialist  vocabulary if it needs to be used, given concrete examples or asked the listeners to generate their own?
  • signalled when a new point is made?  (‘Now let's look at...’  ‘The third thing to look out for is...’)
  • summarised key points (or got the listeners to summarise)?
  • sought feedback to check understanding (at each point if necessary)?

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