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Home > Reflective Teaching in Primary Schools > 3. Teaching for learning > 10. Planning > Reflective Activities > To examine the extent to which weekly plans are significant in developing curriculum
To examine the extent to which weekly plans are significant in developing and modifying the curriculum.
Over the course of a term or half term, note the ways in which weekly plans are used as a ‘thinking tool’ by staff? You might:
Find out where weekly plans come from, for example, previous year's planning or from a commercial scheme.
Note the ways in which weekly plans are developed through staff team meetings.
Record changes to weekly plans that come about through staff discussion.
Note any involvement of the head teacher or a member of the senior management team in developing the content of weekly planning.
Make a record of changes to medium-term planning that are made at the end of a unit of work. Can these changes be traced back to discussions surrounding the weekly plans?