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Home > Reflective Teaching in Primary Schools > 3. Teaching for learning > 10. Planning > Reflective Activities > To consider the extent to which pupils are clear about the learning objectives
To consider the extent to which pupils are clear about the learning objectives and outcomes of teaching sessions.
It is highly likely that, in your teaching, you are aiming to make clear the lesson objectives to your pupils. In order to do this it is clearly essential to have key objectives carefully considered during lesson planning as well as considering how these will be translated into a meaningful form for the pupils during the lesson.
The simple method here is to ask the pupils. Having taught a lesson, or seen one taught (pupils will often ‘open up’ more to someone who is not their own teacher), select a small group of children – ask them some or all of the following:
What was the lesson mainly about?
What did they think that they were supposed to be learning and what did they think that they learned?
Do they see any connections with other work that they have done in the same subject?
Do they see any connections with work that they have done in other subjects?
Did they enjoy the lesson?
If the lesson was being taught again to a similar group how could it be improved?
Review what you have learned about the pupils’ views. Share your findings with the class teacher if they were not ‘your’ pupils. What are the implications for the future?