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Home > Reflective Teaching in Primary Schools > 3. Teaching for learning > 10. Planning > Reflective Activities > To evaluate the stimulus and variety of tasks and activities
To evaluate the stimulus and variety of tasks and activities.
This evaluation could be carried out by an observer, by yourself or by involving the pupils.
It can be carried out by focusing on a particular pupil for a relevant period, or on an analysis of whole-class or group provision.
The tasks in which pupils engage should be considered in terms of their motivational appeal, cognitive challenge and activity (write, read, talk, draw, listen, watch, move, sing, etc.).
Some questions which might be asked could include:
Consider the findings from this exercise and try to deduce the reasons for any patterns you identify. How do you evaluate the results? Discuss your thoughts with others. If you judge it appropriate, what could be done to increase the stimulus and variety of activities and tasks?