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Home > Reflective Teaching in Early Education, 2nd Ed > 4. Reflecting on consequences > 14. Outcomes > Reflective Activities > To consider the time children spend interacting with adults in the setting
To consider the time children spend interacting with adults in the setting.
Undertake a series of observations of 3 or 4 children in your setting. Select children who you would consider to be ‘different’ from each other (for example how assertive you would consider them to be, how popular with other children) so that you are observing children who have different experiences.
Record the number of interactions they have with adults in the setting and whether these are short or extended interactions.
Compare the observations of these children. Do some children engage in fewer interactions with adults than others? Do some engage in more extended interactions with adults than others?
Work with a colleague to review how it may be possible to ensure that all children engage in extended interactions with adults in the setting.