
10. Planning

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Reflective Activities

Long-term planning

Medium-term planning

Short-term planning

Evaluating curricular provision

Further Reading


Strong planning should always underline our educational practice. It is a means of organising our lessons in order to produce high standards of content, delivered in an engaging and informative manner . Planning is essential in order to produce a curriculum that is tight enough to satisfy a range of necessary learning outcomes, but loose enough to still allow imagination to inform the learning of our students. Chapter 10 discusses strategies on how to achieve this desirable balance.

An action research study where a team of mathematics instructors and an expert in curriculum development developed and implemented a differentiated instruction learning environment:

Konstantinou-Katzi. P, Tsolaki. E, Meletiou-Mavrotheris. M, & Koutselini. M (2013) 'Differentiation of teaching and learning mathematics: an action research study in tertiary education'. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science & Technology, V. 44, I. 3, pp. 332-349. [Available from: http://ezproxy.sunderland.ac.uk:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=tfh&AN=86277736&site=eds-live&scope=site]

For an analysis of effective modes of teaching and learning in postsecondary education:

Brownlee. J, Walker. S, Lennox. S, Exley. B, & Pearce. S (2009) 'The first year university experience: using personal epistemology to understand effective learning and teaching in higher education', Higher Education, V58,I5, pp. 599-618, Professional Development Collection, EBSCOhost 

Diagrams & Figures