
To reflect on our understanding of inclusive education


To reflect on our understanding of inclusive education and on our provision for some or all of the learners in the class.

Evidence and reflection

Think about a class that you are currently teaching and make notes in response to the following questions.

What kinds of classroom opportunities and experiences matter to the learners? (What do they want to be included in, or excluded from?)

How is inclusion assessed and recorded for the class? (For what purposes? Who are its audience?)

What is the relationship between the inclusion and exclusion of learners?

What is the relationship between the inclusion of learners and different kinds of special or additional support needs?

Is the inclusion of some learners in this class more (or less) highly valued than others? (If so, who? Why? By whom?)

How far is the inclusion of learners in the class influenced by factors that are:

  • within individual learners?
  • related to their peers?
  • relate to you as their teacher and to other professionals?
  • related to the school as an institution?
  • within families and local communities?


Reflecting on your responses what might you do next? Do you need to find out more, perhaps by talking to learners, support staff or other teachers?

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