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Home > Reflective Teaching in Primary Schools > 4. Reflecting on consequences > 15. Social justice > Reflective Activities > To review the possible influence of common dimensions of inequality on our expectations of children
To review the possible influence of common dimensions of inequality on our expectations of children.
Think of yourself, a relatively‑high‑attaining and a relatively‑low‑attaining pupil in your class. Taking each applicable dimension in turn, think of how you and the children are affected by it, and make some brief notes.
Yourself A high‑attaining pupil A low‑attaining pupil
Social class
Some cells will clearly have more significance than others, but try to relate each dimension to each person. Then think hard about the capabilities and the potential of each of the children. How are these enabled – or constrained – by the dimensions being considered?
Consider the implications of this activity. For instance, a very exciting and worthwhile thing to do is to identify and gradually build on the particular strengths and potential of children who may have been performing relatively poorly at school.