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Home > Reflective Teaching in Primary Schools > 4. Reflecting on consequences > 15. Social justice > Reflective Activities > To reflect on how far, and in what ways, our classroom practices support all learners
To reflect on how far, and in what ways, our classroom practices support all learners including those identified as having special or additional needs.
Think about a lesson, or series of lessons, that you have taught recently. (a) Were there any individuals or groups of learners in the class whose progress was of concern? (b) Read each statement from the Ofsted report about when ‘children and young people learn best’ to help you reflect on the lesson(s). (c) Looking at these statements, what do you think went well? (d) What could you have developed further to support everyone’s learning and especially those whose progress was of concern?
Reflect on how you might develop your practice for future lessons with this class, to ensure that all learners make progress.