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Home > Reflective Teaching in Primary Schools > 4. Reflecting on consequences > 15. Social justice > Reflective Activities > To explore the concepts of cultural capital, emotional capital and social capital
To explore the concepts of cultural capital, emotional capital and social capital.
Check out your understanding of these terms with a small group of colleagues and write down your own definition of each. A review of Reading 4.5 will help you with this. Sub divide the group so you can construct three mind maps with each term, and accompanying definition, placed in the centre. Within each map depict all the ways you can think of in which a more middle class pupil will be advantaged over a more working class pupil. Compare and discuss the mind maps and draw attention to overlapping areas. Ground your discussion in a consideration of the lives of individual pupils.
Discus the strategies the school might adopt in compensating for deficits in these three areas.