Identity, values and beliefs, expectations and practices
Reflect upon and write about:1. Your identity (consider sex, age, profession, ethnicity, social class, family role, strengths, weaknesses, interests, etc.).
2. Your educational biography*, consider in particular:
the educational background of your parents/guardians and grandparents/other/extended family members.
your educational journey, including how you were able to progress to higher education.
the socio-demographic compositions (e.g., but not limited to, the ethnic and social class compositions) of the schools and other educational institutions you attended, and the community(ies) in which you have lived.
why you performed in school as you did. Consider also the main factors to which you attribute your educational success since/overall.
3. Your impressions of why individuals and different social groups fail and succeed in school, and in education more widely, and why you feel you have these beliefs.
4. Your views about how your beliefs and past and present experiences may be impacting upon your understandings of widening participation, student diversity, and your current professional practice/s in that context. For example, consider your expectations of and for different students in your classes).
*Some items are based, in part, on Mueller and O’Connor (2007)