
Men in childcare

We noted in Reflective Teaching in Early Education that men are currently under represented in the early years workforce. Below you can find links to campaigns and recommendations for further reading.

For the campaign Men in Childcare, which aims to bring together examples of men working in Early Years around the world, see:


For the campaign Mencare2, which aims to support the increase of participation of men in the life of children, see:


For relevant research see:

  • Men Working in Childcare


  • Heather Rolfe, Hilary Metcalfe, Tracey Anderson and Pamela Meadows (2003) Recruitment and Retention of Childcare, Early Years and Play Workers: Research Study National Institute of Economics and Social Research


  • Childcare as a Gendered Occupation


  • Promoting Gender Equality in Children


For some statistics on the publics views of men working in childcare, see:


Recommended articles and books

Cameron, Claire. "Promise or problem? A review of the literature on men working in early childhood services." Gender, Work & Organization 8.4 (2001): 430-453.

Rolfe, Heather. "Where are the men? Gender segregation in the childcare and early years sector." National Institute Economic Review 195.1 (2006): 103-117.

Farquhar, S. (2006) Men at work: Sexism in early childhood education. Porirua: Childforum Research Network. 

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