
Talking and listening

Classrooms are busy places in which individual teachers typically work with relatively large groups of children. In their desire to maximise learning opportunities and, at the same time, maintain order and organise the classroom, it is not surprising that research shows that teachers do the majority of speaking in the classroom.

  • Cazden, C. B. (1988) Classroom Discourse: The Language of Teaching and Learning, Portsmouth: Heinemann.
  • Chambers, A. (1995) Tell Me: Children, Reading and Talk, Stroud: Thimble Press.
  • Jones, D. & Hodson, P. (Eds.) (2012) Unlocking speaking and listening, London: Routledge.

There are many different drama conventions which can be exploited to promote creative talk and learning in the classroom. For examples of such conventions, see:

  • Neelands, J & Goode, T. (Eds) (2000) Structuring Drama Work: A Handbook of Available Forms in Theatre and Drama (2nd ed), London: David Fulton.

Recent writing on using talk creatively in classrooms includes:

  • Cremin, T. (2015) Teaching English Creatively (2nd Edition). London: Routledge. 

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