
To evaluate the variety of learning objectives, tasks and activities, and the extent to which they engage students


To evaluate the variety of learning objectives, tasks and activities, and the extent to which they engage students.

Evidence and reflection

This evaluation could be carried out by an observer who focuses on a particular student for a lesson or teaching episode. All activities should be recorded in terms of their motivational appeal, explicit purpose and what the student was required to do. Alternatively, tasks could be monitored, by the teacher, for a longer period. Some questions which might be asked could include:

a) Is there a planned highlight for each lesson or teaching episode?

b) Are there long sequences of the same type of task?

c) Is there variety between active and passive tasks?

d) Is there variety between students working alone, in small groups, and as a whole class?


Consider the findings from this exercise, and try to deduce the reasons for any patterns you identify. If you judge it appropriate, what could you do to increase the stimulus and variety of learning objectives, tasks and activities?

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