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Home > Reflective Teaching in Secondary Schools > 2. Creating conditions for learning > 6. Relationships > Reflective Activities > To consider the idea of 'emotional temperature' as applied to classroom climate
To consider the idea of ‘emotional temperature’ as applied to classroom climate.
Consider the terms ‘warm/supportive’, ‘cool/detached’ and ‘cold/antagonistic’ as described above. As you observe other teachers, use these terms to assess the ‘emotional temperature’ of the classroom. As you observe you might consider the following questions:
Use the two typologies ‘coercive’ and ‘incorporative’ to characterise the climate of the lessons you observe. How does this kind of characterisation relate to the idea of ‘emotional temperature’?
Discuss the idea of ‘emotional temperature’ with other teachers. Arrange for your mentor or a colleague to observe your lessons and provide you with data on the ‘emotional temperature’ of your classroom. Were you aware of changes? Were you deliberately raising or lowering the temperature? How consistent were you across the lesson and with groups and individual students?