
Understanding ourselves as teachers

For an appreciative guide to being a teacher from a secondary perspective, of relevance to primary, see:

  • Turbull, J. (2007) 9 Habits of Highly Effective Teachers. A Practical Guide to Empowerment. London: Continuum.

On teacher development and commitment through careers and lives, the classic account is Huberman’s. We also have excellent contemporary work from Day and Gu.

  • Huberman, M. (1993) The Lives of Teachers. London: Cassell.
  • Day, C. and Gu, Q. (2010) The New Lives of Teachers. London: Routledge.

For a thorough exploration of how student teachers learn from the expertise of practising teachers, see:

  • Hagger, H. and McIntyre, D. (2006) Learning Teaching from Teachers – Realizing the Potential of School-Based Teacher Education. Maidenhead: Open University Press.

The following suggestions help us to analyse our experiences and feelings as teachers, including a focus on the day-to-day practices and emotions of teachers. They also offer thoughts on the development of a new professional discourse in response to changes.

  • Daly C., & Brooks C. (2023). Developing further as a teacher In S. Capel, M. Leask, S. Younie, L. Hidson, & J. Lawrence (Eds.), Learning to Teach in the Secondary School, 9th edition, (Unit 8). Abingdon: Routledge

  • Brown, T. and Mcnamara, O. (2011) Becoming a Mathematics Teacher. New York: Springer.

The next three books aim to help teachers enhance their self-esteem and personal development. Lawrence suggests strategies for reducing stress and raising self-esteem. Hook and Vass explore practical ways teachers can increase their self-esteem and effectiveness. Goodland and McMannon focus on the importance of developing a strong sense of self.

  • Lawrence, D. (1999) Teaching with Confidence, London: RoutledgeFalmer.
  • Hook, P. and Vass, A. (2002) Teaching with Influence, London: David Fulton.
  • Goodland, J. and McMannon, T. (2004) The Teaching Career, London: Teachers College Press.

Teacher stress and 'burnout' are increasingly common. Firstly, a book by Holmes provides strategies for coping with stress, especially in relation to teacher careers, and for improving well-being.

  • Holmes, E. (2004) Teacher Well-being, London: RoutledgeFalmer.

For further supportive books on this, see:

  • Carlyle, D. and Woods, P. (2002) Emotions of Teacher Stress, Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham
  • Donnelly, J. (2002) Career Development for Teachers, London: Routledge Falmer

Another book which advocates self-study for teachers and which also give guidance on how to go about this is;

  • Mitchell, C., O'Reilly-Scalon, and Weber, S. (2003) Just Who Do We Think We Are? Methodologies for Self-Study in Education, London: RoutledgeFalmer

Nieto presents observations from veteran teachers about the maintenance of enthusiasm:

  • Nieto, S. (2003) What Keeps Teachers Going?, London: Eurospan.

Sachs explores, and presents alternative forms of, teacher professionalism:

  • Sachs, J. (2003) The Activist Teaching Profession, Maidenhead: Open University Press.

Atkinson and Claxton examine the relationship between intuition and reason within professional practice:

  • Atkinson, T. and Claxton, G. (2000) The Intuitive Practitioner: On the Value of Not Always Knowing What One is Doing, Maidenhead: Open University Press.

Goodson advocates the teacher as 'public intellectual' in the following book:

  • Goodson, I, (2003) Professional Knowledge, Professional Lives: Studies in Education and Teaching, Maidenhead: Open University Press.

The following group of further readings follow up ideas about teachers’ articulation of their aims, values, moral purposes, motivations and commitments. The first, by Moore, presents three current discourses of 'good teaching':

  • Moore, A. (2004) The Good Teacher. Dominant Discourses in Teacher Education, London: RoutledgeFalmer.
  • Arthur, J., Davison, J. and Lewis, M. (2005) Professional Values and Practice: Achieving the Standards for QTS, London: RoutledgeFalmer.
  • Day, C. (2002) A Passion for Teaching, London: RoutledgeFalmer.
  • Gardner, R., Cairns, J., Lawton, D. (2003) Education for Values, Morals, Ethics and Citizenship in Contemporary Teaching, London: RoutledgeFlamer.
  • Osborn, M., McNess, E. and Broadfoot, P. (2000) What Teachers Say. Changing Policy and Practice in Primary Education, London: Continuum.
  • Bottery, M. and Wright, N. (2000) Teachers and the State, London: RoutledgeFalmer.
  • Liston, D.P. and Garrison, J.W. (2004) Teaching, Learning and Loving, London: RoutledgeFalmer.
  • Buzelli, C.A. and Johnston, B. (2002) The Moral Dimensions of Teaching. London: RoutledgeFalmer.
  • Campbell, E. (2003) The Ethical Teacher, Maidenhead: Open University Press.

There are a number of distinctive philosophical analyses of teachers’ educational purposes. Contrast for example:

  • Peters, R.S. (1966) Ethics and Education, London: Allen & Unwin.
  • Bantock, G.H. (1980) Dilemmas of the Curriculum, Oxford: Martin & Robinson.
  • O'Hear, A. (1981) An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education, London: Routledge.
  • Barrow, R. and Woods, R. (1988) An Introduction to Philosophy of Education, London: Routledge.
  • Bottery, M. (1990) The Morality of the School, London: Cassell.
  • Campbell, E. (2003) The Ethical Teacher, Maidenhead: Open Univeristy Press.

For an excellent historical analysis which demonstrates the importance of considering aims and value positions within their social context, see:

  • Grace, G. (1978) Teachers, Ideology and Control, London: Routledge, Kegan & Paul.

A number of publications have focused on specific aspects of identity such as gender or ethnic identity in exploring teachers’ work experience. See:

  • Ashley, M. and Lee, J. (2003) Women Teaching Boys. Caring and Working in the Primary School, Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham.
  • Skelton, C. (2001) Schooling the Boys: Masculinities in the Primary School, Buckingham: Open University Press.
  • Drudy, S., Martin, M., Woods, M. and O'Flynn, J. (2004) Men in the Classroom, London: RoutledgeFalmer.
  • Coleman, M. (2002) Women as Headteachers. Striking the balance. Stoke-on-Trent. Trentham.
  • Gordon, J. (2000) The Colour of Teaching, London: RoutledgeFalmer.
  • Osler, A. (1997) The Education and Careers of Black Teachers, Buckingham: Open University Press.

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