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Home > Reflective Teaching in Early Education, 2nd Ed > 3. Teaching for learning > 10. Planning > Observation schedules
Observe how child X interacts with one learning context for one ten minute period. Full transcripts of conversations should be supplied. If space does not permit, these should be appended.
Context …………………………………………………..
Start time ……………………… Finish time ……………………….
Aim of observation: To monitor how child X engages with one context, particular resources, other children or some other focus.
Resources within context:
Identify all children eg. AB, CH or Girl A, Boys X & Y
| What is child X doing? With whom and what is child X interacting?
| What is child X saying and to whom? |
Analysis – what have I learned about the child that will inform possible next steps?
Observe child X at brief intervals (eg. 5 minute intervals) over a long period of time (eg. Approximately 30 minutes); on at least one occasion try to record a detailed transcript of a conversation.
Child’s age: …………… years ……………..months Boy/Girl
Aim of observation: To monitor activities of child X over a period of time – to assess interactions with other children and adults or which contexts child X engages with or another focus.
| What the child does
| What the child says – transcripts should be recorded separately |
Analysis – what have I learned about this child that will inform possible next steps? Consider also the child’s age related to stage of development and any other information that may impact eg. How long they have been in the setting.