
To explore curriculum content, across all subjects, for issues of social inclusion


To explore curriculum content, across all subjects, for issues of social inclusion.

Evidence and reflection

This activity should be undertaken by a whole staff working together.

  • Divide into groups and share out the subject areas of the National Curriculum.  In your group discover what you know between you about the contribution of women, African, Afro-Caribbean, Asian and disabled people to that particular subject area. Also consider how social class has influenced the content of the curriculum.
  • As a whole staff share your findings.  Can colleagues from other groups add information to complete the picture of your combined knowledge? What do your findings reveal? Were you surprised at how much (or how little) you knew collectively?
  • Discuss how you might develop your collective knowledge. Identify the areas you would like to know more about e.g. Black history, minority languages, immigration laws, biographies of significant people, different religious groups, women/black/disabled writers/poets, musicians, athletes, historical figures and so on.
  • Devise a method for developing your knowledge base perhaps each member of staff taking on a different area, with the aim of providing a curriculum resource for the school.


Create a staff room resource collection.

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