

In one way or another, most of Reflective Teaching’s chapters are concerned with pedagogy and, for readings on more specific issues – such as relationships, engagement, behaviour, assessment, etc. – please consult the relevant chapter.

TLRP’s overall school findings, including ‘ten principles for effective teaching and learning’, are discussed in Chapter 3 of this book.  For a simple explanation of the idea of pedagogy seen as science, craft and art, and an exposition of ‘conceptual tools’ for tackling enduring educational issues, see: 

  • Pollard, A.  (ed.) (2010) Professionalism and Pedagogy: A Contemporary Opportunity, London: TLRP.  (Reading 11.2)

Alexander’s comparative analysis of pedagogic issues has generated a strong conceptual framework which is applicable to any setting. See:

  • Alexander, R. (2008) Essays on Pedagogy. London: Routledge. (Reading 12.3)

An influential application of a synthesis of global research is:

  • Hattie, J. (2012) Visible Learning for Teachers. London: Routledge. (Reading 16.5)

An exceptional collection of readings on pedagogy is cited below. In this volume, Leach and Moon explore the interplay between ‘school knowledge’, ‘subject knowledge’ and ‘pedagogic knowledge’.

  • Leach, J., and Moon, B. (1999). Learners and Pedagogy. London: SAGE.

To explore the particular significance of dialogue in classroom pedagogy, see:

  • Mercer, N. and Littleton, K. (2007) Dialogue and the Development of Children’s Thinking. London: Routledge. (Reading 11.6)

There is a long tradition of thinking about the development of pedagogy as a creative and organic process. This approach emphasises how teaching must connect with the learner as a person and with his or her construction of meaning. See:

  • Bruner, J. (1996) The Culture of Education. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. (Reading 11.1)
  • Dixon, A., Drummond, M. -J., Hart, S. and McIntyre, D. (2004) Learning Without Limits. Maidenhead: Open University Press. (see also Reading 1.4)
  • Swann, M., Peacock, A., Hart, S. & Drummond, M.J. (2012) Creating Learning without Limits, Maidenhead: Open University Press.

For consideration of more radical approaches to pedagogy, try:

  • Kincheloe, J. L. (2008) Critical Pedagogy Primer. New York: Peter Lang.
  • Leach, J. and Moon, B. (2008) The Power of Pedagogy. London: SAGE.

There have been huge changes in teaching, and this is likely to continue. The books below offer an outline of teaching in primary classrooms in the past. In addition, Doddington and Hilton draw on the history of the progressive tradition and its relevance in education today to demonstrate that, in spite of the standards agenda, teachers can reclaim some autonomy and teach creatively.

  • Galton, M., Hargreaves, L., Comber, C., Wall, D. with Pell, A. (1999) Inside the Primary Classroom: 20 Years On, London: Routledge.
  • Osborn, M., McNess, E. and Broadfoot, P., with Pollard, A., and Triggs, P. (2000) What Teachers Do: Changing Policy and Practice in Primary Education, London: Continuum.
  • Doddington, C. and Hilton, M. (2007) Child-centred Education: Reviving the Creative Tradition, London: SAGE.

For a selection of recent thinking about pedagogy, see:

  • Alexander, R. J. (2008) Education for All, the Quality Imperative and the Problem of Pedagogy, London: Institute of Education, University of London.
  • Schweisfurth, M. (2013) Learner-Centred Education in International Perspective: Whose Pedagogy for Whose Development? Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Atkinson, D. (2011) Art, Equality and Learning: Pedagogies Against the State, Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
  • Robins, C. (2013) Curious Lessons in the Museum: The Pedagogic Potential of Artists' Interventions, Farnham: Ashgate Publishing.
  • Heywood, D. S. and Parker, J. (2010) The Pedagogy of Physical Science, New York: Springer-Verlag.
  • Richards, G. and Armstrong, F. (2010) Teaching and Learning in Diverse and Inclusive Classrooms, Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Goodson, I. F.  and Gill, S. R. (2011) Narrative Pedagogy: Life History and Learning, Bern: Peter Lang Publishing.
  • Turvey, K. (2013) Narrative Ecologies: Teachers As Pedagogical Toolmakers, Abingdon: Routledge. 

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