
To reflect on the moral purposes of education in relation to learner development


To reflect on the moral purposes of education in relation to learner development.

Evidence and reflection

Typically, this issue has particular resonance when applied to people who we know well – parents, partners or even ourselves. Think deeply about a person whose early upbringing and school education you know something about. How did those experiences influence the person they became? Can you see traces of adult qualities in those earlier experiences, or even identify patterns of development? Were there any particular critical incidents which made a difference in the life you are considering? Were there relationships of particular significance? Thinking of teachers, what specific memories arise? How would you summarise this review, in relation to the first TLRP principle?


The next step is clearly to imagine the trajectories through life of some of the children and young people whom you teach. Consider the potential lifelong consequences of day-by-day experiences at school.

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