
Identifying your level of expertise

The following descriptors from the UK PSF demonstrate the qualitative differences in demonstrated levels of understanding and expertise required of an academic who progresses through the four stages outlined in the UK Professional Standards Framework (2011).

Stage 1: ‘demonstrate an understanding of specific aspects of effective teaching, learning support methods and student learning.’

Stage 2: ‘demonstrate a broad understanding of effective approaches to teaching and learning support as key contributions to high quality learning.’

Stage 3: ‘demonstrate a thorough understanding of effective approaches to teaching and learning support as a key contribution to high quality student learning.’

Stage 4: ‘demonstrate a sustained record of effective strategic leadership in academic practice and academic development as a key contribution to high quality student learning.’

Questions for reflection:

  1. At which stage are you?
  2. What sources of evidence are you able to provide to demonstrate that you are in this stage?
  3. What strategies do you have in place to assist you to progress to the next stage?
  4. Whom might you consult to seek advice on the most effective ways of putting these strategies into practice?
  5. In what ways does this framework align with your institution’s promotion policy? How might the PSF assist you in preparing for promotion?