
Thinking about our learning spaces

Think about one of the teaching and learning spaces which you frequently use.

What are some of the challenges of working in this space in relation to the things you would like your students to learn?

Are there physical constraints (e.g. the furniture and resources in the room)?

Is the room comfortable or overcrowded; does it get enough light and air?

Do the students have space to work together in groups?

Do they have space to work comfortably on laptops or with other resources?

In relation to your learning objectives, do you feel this space is conducive or restrictive? If it is restrictive, what are some of the practical steps you can take in order to help foster a climate that is conducive for learning?

Please keep in mind the learning objectives you have set: how are you creating spaces that enable the students to gain the kinds of understandings that you intend them to develop?