
To investigate teacher questions within question-and-answer exchanges


To investigate teacher questions within question‑and‑answer exchanges.

Evidence and reflection

Either audio record a suitable teaching session, or, by agreement, observe a colleague. Choose three five‑minute periods in the teaching session (e.g. beginning/middle/end) and write down the questions the teacher asks during each period.

It may also be possible to code the audience to whom the questions were addressed, (e.g. B= boy, Bg = group of boys, G = girl, Gg = group of girls, Mg = mixed group, C = class).

The questions could be classified using the pedagogic or psycho‑social categories from Checklist 13.2.


Classifying questions should highlight the variety and level of the cognitive demands that were made. It is then possible to consider whether what we do matches our intentions and, if not, what changes could be made.

If the audience has been noted, it is also possible to analyse the distribution of questions and to consider any implications. Note down how pupils appear to feel and consider how any negative emotions could be avoided.

The activity could be repeated to analyse pupils' questions.

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