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Home > Reflective Teaching in Primary Schools > 3. Teaching for learning > 11. Pedagogy > Further reading > Enacting learner development
Practically, beyond the chapters of Reflective Teaching in Schools, Wragg provides both a tried-and-tested series and reflects on longstanding trends in teaching and learning, and Mujis and Reynolds debate the evidence on different professional activities which contribute to teacher effectiveness.
Such books should help enormously in developing the initial competencies on which reflective practices confidently build. This kind of development is underpinned by Collins, Insley and Soler's volume below which explores thinking on pedagogy drawing on the voices of teachers, parents, children, advisors and inspectors, and encourages teachers to apply this thinking to their individual contexts. A more controversial exploration of what is meant by pedagogy, and shifts in thinking is provided by Mortimore. For a discussion of different perspectives encompassed by the concept of pedagogy, see Leach and Moon.