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Home > Reflective Teaching in Primary Schools > 2. Creating conditions for learning > 8. Spaces > Reflective Activities > To evaluate routine activities to maximise time for teaching and learning
To evaluate routine activities to maximise time for teaching and learning.
Use this list as a starting point for considering the routines that affect your lessons, and how you may improve your use of space and / or resources to reduce wastage of time. The list is generic, and applicable to both primary and secondary school – you will need to add to the list to match your type of school and (in secondary school) your curriculum subject. Identify any aspects of organisation you can deal with in advance of the lesson (for example, moving the tables, or distributing resources before pupils enter the room). Can you improve your own routines (for example, preventing bottlenecks by asking pupils to unpack before putting their bags away, or by distributing resources around the room). Are you planning far enough ahead or practising crisis management (for example, do you often find yourself hunting for resources in the cupboards, or running to the prep room or office for resources you’ve forgotten?). Can you actively involve pupils, giving them routine responsibility for specific aspects of resource organisation (for example, giving automatic responsibility to particular pupils to give out books or materials at the start of the lesson)?
Purpose of procedure | Procedure | Evaluation of procedure | Possible improvement |
Entering the classroom |
Leaving the classroom |
Completing the register |
Collecting in homework |
Issuing homework |
Distributing learning resources |
Collecting learning resources |
Going to the toilet |
Tidying up |
Teachers and Teaching Assistants build up a useful repertoire of strategies for these organisational matters. A good extension would be to share and exchange ideas with a ‘critical friend’.