
To review TLRP’s principles on knowledge, prior learning, pedagogy and assessment


To review TLRP’s principles on knowledge, prior learning, pedagogy and assessment.

Evidence and reflection

This cluster of four principles represents enduring issues in teaching – the interaction of knowledge and development, and the crucial instructional and feedback roles of the teacher. Tracing the linkages between these elements and applying them in and through practice is enough to fascinate and challenge most of us throughout our careers in teaching. One way of formalising that is to review each of the four sections above and pick out from each one or two key points which are most meaningful to you. How do your key points relate together? What might they mean for your practice?


If possible, compare your selection with the judgements of a colleague and discuss inter-relationships across the principles. Does such comparison enable you to better understand your own teaching? Are there skills or processes on which you and our colleague could work together in developing your expertise?

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