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Various processes by which teachers, schools or governors are required to justify their practices, policies and performance to others, and in particular parents, including reports on pupil progress, convening of an annual meeting for parents and publishing OFSTED inspection reports.

Action plan

A plan, prepared by a school's governors, following an OFSTED inspection to address any issues raised.

Beacon School

A government programme which ran from1998-2005; it aimed to identify high achieving schools which could disseminate good practice. See also Hub school


City Academy.


Community College.


Curriculum and Learning Support (usually a department in a school).


College Management Team - Senior Management within a college (see SMT).

Community school

State schools in England and Wales which are wholly owned and maintained by the local education authority. The local education authority is the admissions authority - it has the main responsibility for deciding arrangements for admitting pupils.

Comprehensive school

This refers to a state secondary school which admits pupils of all abilities, and therefore without any selection procedure. In England most (nearly 90%) of all pupils attend a comprehensive school; they were introduced into England during the late 1960s.

Controlled Schools

Schools in Northern Ireland which come under the control of Education and Library Boards.

County Schools

State schools in England and Wales which are wholly owned and maintained by local education authorities.


City Technical College; an independent all ability non-fee-paying school for students aged 11-18. CTCs teach the national curriculum to pre-16-year-olds with a focus on Science, Mathematics and Technology.


A government abbreviation for community school maintained by the local education authority.

Day Nurseries

These take children under five for the whole working day. Children can attend on a part-time or full-time basis according to their parents' needs. They may be run by local authorities, voluntary organisations, private companies, individuals or employers. There must be at least one adult for every eight children and at least half of the staff must have a qualification recognised by the local authority.

Directed time

Time when a teacher must be available to carry out duties, under the direction of the head. A full-time teacher's directed time is usually reckoned to be 1,265 hours in any school year.


The process of banning a pupil from a school. This may be either temporary or permanent and is usually initiated by the headteacher, often on disciplinary grounds.

Extended school

A school that provides a range of services and activities often beyond the school day to help meet the needs of its pupils, their families and the wider community.


Early Years.


Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership.


Early Years Development Plan.


Early Years Foundation Stage.


The Early Years Foundation Stage Profile. A statutory assessment for children at the end of the Foundation Stage and is a way of summing up each child's development and learning at the end of the Reception year.


Early Years Unit.


Foundation school (see below).

First school

A school for children aged 5 - 8, or 5 - 9 in which appropriate parts of the Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 National Curriculum are taught and assessed. It may include a reception class (children aged 4-5, Foundation Stage).

Foundation School

A type of state school which is run by the local authority but which has more freedom than community schools to manage their school and decide on their own admissions. They are maintained by the LEA but some may have a foundation (generally religious) which appoints some of the governing body (which acts as the admissions authority).

Free School

Free Schools are state-funded schools set up in response to what some local people say they want for children in their community. The first ‘Free School’ opened in September 2011.


In the context of education, GM stands for Grant Maintained and refers to schools that are maintained by central government rather than the LEA.


Grant Maintained Schools Advisory Committee.


Grant Maintained Schools Foundation.

Grammar Schools

A type of selective school associated with the tripartite system established by the 1944 Education Act. Most schools since 1976 in the UK are comprehensive schools, which are non-selective. However there are still about 160 grammar schools throughout England. These schools usually select pupils on the basis of their performance on a one-off test. It should be noted that there are some comprehensive schools which retain the name 'Grammar' in their title.

Grant Maintained Schools

State schools in England and Wales which are funded by central government through the Funding Agency for Schools.

Heterogeneous grouping

Grouping together pupils of varying abilities, interests, or ages.

Home schooling

One does not need to be a qualified teacher to educate a child at home, nor is the child obliged to follow the National Curriculum or take national tests. Parents are required by law to ensure that their children receive full-time education suitable to their age, ability and aptitude.

Home-school agreements

All state schools are required to have written home-school agreements, drawn up in consultation with parents. They are non-binding statements explaining the school's aims and values, the responsibilities of both school and parents, and what the school expects of its pupils. Parents are invited to sign a parental declaration, indicating that they understand and accept the contents of the agreement.

Hub School

A school which acts as a 'hub' to disseminate good practice to other schools in a defined partnership role, for example as part of an initial teacher training consortium.

Independent Schools

These are schools which are not funded by the state and obtain most of their finances from fees paid by parents and income from investments. Some of the larger independent schools are known as public schools, while most boarding schools are independent.


The official acronym for a registered independent school.


Independent school approved under the Education Act 1996 to take pupils who have statements of special educational needs.

Infant school

A school for children aged 5 - 7 in which Key Stage 1 of the National Curriculum is taught and assessed. It may include a reception class (children aged 4-5, Foundation Stage).

Junior school

A school for children aged 7 - 11 in which Key Stage 2 of the National Curriculum is taught and assessed.


Language Sports and Arts College(s).


Learning Support Unit.

Maintained School

Maintained schools are funded by central government via the LEA, and do not charge fees to students. The categories of maintained school are: community, community special, foundation (including trust), foundation special (including trust), voluntary aided and voluntary controlled. There are also maintained nursery schools and pupil referral units

Middle school

A school for children aged 8 - 12 or 9 - 13 in which appropriate parts of the Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3 National Curriculum are taught and assessed.

Mixed ability

A teaching group in which children of all abilities are taught together rather than being streamed or set.

Nursery Classes

Operating within State Primary Schools, nursery classes take children from the age of three or four and are open during school term time. They usually offer five half-day sessions a week. There must be one adult for every 13 children.

Nursery nurses

Specialists who have qualified in the education and development of pre-school aged children (NNEB), and who sometimes work in primary schools under the direction of a teacher.

Nursery school (Foundation Stage)

A school offering suitable, but non-statutory, educational provision for children aged 2 - 4, including play, activity and language development. The recommended child/adult ratio is 13:1.

Nursery unit (Foundation Stage)

A unit, offering suitable educational provision for children aged 3 and 4, which is attached to a school for older children.

Open enrolment

A national requirement that all maintained schools must admit children whose parents wish it, until their standard number is reached.

Partnership Promotion Schools

Schools which accept the centrality of initial teacher training to their work and seek to work with other schools to develop their work in ITT.


Pupil Referral Centre.

Preparatory school

An independent school often catering for children from 5 - 13 years old in preparation for secondary education in ‘public schools’ (also independent).


Usually refers to children aged between 3 and 5, attending one of the following: playgroups (see below), governmental day nurseries (usually for children from disadvantaged backgrounds), private day nurseries, nursery schools run by the local authority, and nursery classes in primary schools. See also Nursery.

Primary school

A school for children aged 5 - 11 in which Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 of the National Curriculum is taught and assessed. It may include a reception class (children aged 4-5, Foundation Stage).

Private nursery schools

These take children between the ages of two and five and offer half or full-day sessions and some stay open in the school holidays. There must be at least one adult for every 13 children and at least half of the staff must be qualified teachers.


A brochure containing information about the school, giving facts and figures, which the governing body must publish each year for parents and prospective parents. Copies must be available at the school for reference or free of charge to parents on request.

Public school

In the UK, a 'public' school is in fact private and is not to be confused with State school. Public schools are often referred to as Independent schools. Public schools do not have a statutory obligation to deliver a national curriculum. It is not necessary to have gained QTS in order to teach in a public school.

Reception Classes

In state primary schools children are received at ages four and five, some schools starting children off with half-day sessions. There must be at least one adult for every 13 children.

Secondary Modern School

Pupils who were unsuccessful in the 11+ examination usually went to a secondary modern school where the emphasis tended to be on vocational and practical subjects. These schools became redundant in 1976 with the widespread introduction of comprehensive (non-selective) education. See also Grammar Schools.

Self-governing schools

The Scottish equivalent to grant-maintained schools in England.

School effectiveness

A judgement or measure of the efficiency of the school overall in producing educational outcomes given the characteristics of its pupil intake and the resources which are deployed.

School ethos

The taken-for-granted pattern of values, interpersonal relationships and expectations about the education being provided which gives each school a particular subjective ‘feel’. Often very influenced by the headteacher.

School funding

This usually refers to the amount of money that is allocated to state schools. There are several terms associated with school funding and its implications:

The local government settlement

The finance which is made available annually by national government from general taxation to support local government expenditure. Education usually accounts for a high proportion of such funding.

The community charge

The means by which local governments raise funds from their electorate to contribute to their expenditure on local services, such as education.

The aggregated schools budget

The total funds made available for expenditure by schools by an LEA. This must be at least 85% of its overall funding for education and is allocated using an approved funding formula.

Formula Funding

The method by which funds for school budgets are calculated, with a particular emphasis on numbers of pupils on roll as reflected in age weighted pupil units.

Age weighted pupil units (AWPUs)

The number of ‘units’ allocated to children of particular ages which is reflected in levels of school funding. In 1995 a 16 year old counted for nine units and a 7 year old for one unit.

Teacher salaries

A School Teachers’ Review Body makes recommendation to the Secretary of State for Education each year on teachers’ pay.

Pupil-teacher ratios

The proportion of pupils to all teachers in a school or within an education system - a figure which includes teachers in administrative or other posts.

Class size

The number of children in a class who are taught by one teacher. Often aggregated for a school, LEA on the national system to produce an average figure.

School policies

Guidelines for action and practice within a school. Some policies are legally required and must be set by governors.


School development plan. An annual form of whole-school evaluation and planning, promoted by government and LEAs and expected to be produced by headteacher, teachers and governors together.

Special school

A school for children of any age who have 'statements' of special educational needs. The National Curriculum may be taught, parts of it 'disapplied' to particular children or they may be 'exempted'.

Specialist Schools

This type of school includes technology, languages, sports and art colleges operating in England.


Specialist Schools Trust (formerly known as the Technology Colleges Trust).

State Nursery Schools

These take children from the age of three or four and are open during school term time and normally offer five half-day sessions a week. There must be at least one adult for every thirteen children. Staff are qualified teachers and assistants.

Standard number

The number of pupils which, based on the capacity of its buildings, a school is deemed to be able to accommodate.

State Schools

Otherwise known as publicly funded schools; parents do not pay any fees. They are attended by most (over 90 per cent) of pupils. Scottish state schools are maintained and controlled by the local education authority.


Technology College.

Training Schools

Schools which have enhanced responsibility for teacher training, both continuing and initial, usually in conjunction with an institution of Higher Education.


The process of movement from one school to another.

Underachieving school

This is an outcome of the inspection process. The Registered Inspector will have concluded that the school's performance is below that of schools in similar circumstances.

Voluntary aided schools

Schools in England and Wales which are maintained by the Local Education Authority, with a foundation (generally religious) which appoints most of the governing body. The governing body is the admissions authority.

Voluntary controlled schools

Schools in England and Wales which are maintained by the Local Education Authority, with a foundation (generally religious) which appoints some, but not most, of the governing body. The LEA is the admissions authority.

Voluntary grammar schools

Grant-maintained, integrated schools in Northern Ireland which take both Protestant and Roman Catholic pupils.

Voluntary Maintained Schools

Schools in Northern Ireland which are mainly managed by the Catholic Church.


Assessment is said to be a 'parent concept', covering:

Evaluation - judging the value of. It refers to the process through which evidence is secured and judged with respect to its educational value; Testing - one procedure through which some kinds of evidence are obtained; it secures a sample of a students' or group's behaviour or product through a mechanism - a 'test'; Examination - a formal process whereby a student's achievement over specified period of time in a particular place is measured against stated criteria; Measurements - deals with a quantification of data; Grading - the assignment of a symbol to a person's performance, often a letter (ABCDE) is used to indicate some level of performance, relative to some criteria; Achievement - the overall accomplishment of a student, including personal factors; Attainment - the standard or quality of work measured against set criteria. It can also refer to the level of achievement reached by a child in respect of a sequence of learning.

See also: criterion referencing

Forms of assessment include:

Entry assessment

Assessment procedures that can be used when children enter school for diagnostic purposes and to provide a baseline for later calculation of progress made and ‘added value’.

Formative assessment

Continuous assessment, often in diverse, non-standardised forms, made for the purpose of informing on-going teaching.

Summative assessment

Assessment procedures, often at the end of a programme of teaching and of a consistent or standardised type, used to assess learning outcomes.


Assessment by a learner for the purpose of self-knowledge, reflection and self-improvement.

Teacher assessment (TA)

A form of formative assessment required of teachers by the Education Reform Act, the results of which are reported to parents.

End of Key Stage National Curriculum Assessments

A form of summative assessment used to test pupil learning of the core subjects of the National Curriculum at the end of Key Stages. The results are reported to parents.


The capacity which a child has to learn, which may be specific to particular areas of learning.


Achievement refers to the overall accomplishment of a pupil, including personal factors. See Assessment and RoA.

A level

Advanced level GCSE examination.

Advanced GNVQ

Advanced General National Vocational Qualification. This is similar to BTEC and the equivalent of 2 A levels. The subjects offered have a vocational element.


 Advanced Extension Award.


Advanced International Certificate of Education; an academic 2-year program (similar to A levels) taken between the age of 16 and 18 where students concentrate on 2 or 3 subjects while maintaining an incorporated international focus.


Award in digital applications (see also DiDA; CiDA).


Advanced Level Information System.


Advanced Level Performance Systems.


Assessment & Qualifications Alliance – A 'Unitary Exam Body' formed by amalgamation of NEAB, AEB, SEG and C&G).


Awarding Organisation.


Accreditation of Prior Learning - Credit for a previous award, towards a further award.


Accreditation of Prior Experience and Learning.


Assessing Pupils’ Progress; Assessment of Pupil Performance


Assessment and reporting arrangements.


Advanced Subsidiary, replacing Advanced Supplementary National examinations.


Award Scheme Development Accreditation Network. A course seen as an alternative to GCSE examinations for disapplied pupils.

Alternative assessment

An assessment in which students originate a response to a task or question. Such responses could include demonstrations, exhibits, portfolios, oral presentations, or essays.


Advanced Level 2nd stage. (It also refers to a size of paper often used in art rooms: half the size of A1, twice the size of A3 and four times the size of A4).


Assessment for learning.

Authentic assessment

An assessment based upon tasks that reflect the kind of competence demonstrated by experts.

Baseline Assessment

An assessment of a child's skills and abilities usually made by a teacher within the first seven weeks of starting primary school. It shows teachers what children can do when starting school and helps teachers to plan lessons and measure progress. Areas covered include Language and Literacy, Maths and Personal and Social Development.


Business & Technician Education Council (see EdExcel). A National Qualification equivalent to two A level courses. Subjects include Nursery Nursing, Business Studies and Art and Design. There are considerable practical elements to the courses with work placements offered.


Cognitive Ability Test, produced by the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER). Can also stand for Capability Assessment Toolkit and Computer Aided Teaching.

CATs points

Score achieved on Cognitive Ability Tests.

C & G

City & Guilds (see AQA and CGLI).


Certificates of Competence.


Certificate in digital applications. See also AiDA and DiDA.


Certificate of Achievement (awarded by the examination boards MEG/OCR).


Certificate of Secondary Education. A public examination that was introduced in the mid 1960's as a less academic alternative to O level; it was abandoned with the advent of GCSE.


Continuous Student Record.

Criterion-referenced assessment

An assessment that measures what a pupil understands, knows, or can accomplish in relation to specific performance objectives. It is used to identify a pupil's specific strengths and weaknesses in relation to skills defined as the goals of the instruction, but it does not compare pupils to other pupils. (Compare to norm-referenced assessment and ipsative referencing.)


Certificate of Sixth Year Studies (Scotland).


A Unitary Exam body formed by the amalgamation of London Exams and BTEC.


End of Key Stage descriptions. Generated statements, for some subjects only, of the knowledge, skill and understanding which it is expected children will acquire by the end of each Key Stage.


Educational Performance Analysis Software.

Exhibition of mastery

A type of assessment in which pupils display their grasp of knowledge and skills using methods such as video presentations, posters, oral presentations, or portfolios.


Judging the value of something. It refers to the process through which evidence is secured and judged with respect to its educational value. See Assessment.


General Certificate of Education. Currently refers to A (Advanced) Level; O Level (Ordinary) was replaced by the GCSE in the UK in 1988.


General Certificate of Secondary Education. O levels and CSEs were replaced in1988 with GCSEs. O-level (Ordinary level) qualifications were designed for allegedly more able secondary school pupils and were seen as being necessary for progression into A-level and beyond. The Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE) qualification was intended for pupils of all abilities in mainstream secondary education, though they were not taken by the most academic pupils who would have taken only O levels. There was an overlap between these two types of certificate in that a CSE grade 1 result was regarded as equivalent to an O level. The GCSE examination was designed for pupils of all abilities; GCSE grades A-C are seen by most schools and employers as O level (or CSE grade 1) equivalents and GCSE grades D and below represent to many what would have previously been CSE grade 2 and below.

GCSE Bitesize

A BBC revision guide that uses TV, books and the Internet to help children prepare for GCSE exams.


General National Vocational Qualification Vocational qualifications taken mainly by pupils age 16 and in full-time education. After October 20007 it is replaced by alternative BTEC qualifications.


General Scottish Vocational Qualification.


Higher Grade (Scotland - 'Highers').


Higher National Certificate.


Higher National Diploma - a two-year course that equates to two years of a degree course. HNDs are offered in many subject areas, mostly with a practical application; they may also have an industrial or commercial placement as part of the course.

Holistic scoring

Assigning a single overall score to a pupil's performance.


International Baccalaureate.


The International English Language Testing System. It is said to measure ability to communicate in English across four language skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking. It is an internationally recognised test aimed at people who intend to study or work where English is the language of communication

Ipsative referencing

One of several contexts for assessing learners' achievement (see Norm referencing and criterion referencing). Ipsative referencing (sometimes known as ‘Developmental’) compares a pupils' present performance with past performances is more learner-centred. It is concerned with individuals' growth and development; assessment is often made by negotiation between teacher and taught and is linked to self-assessment. Ipsative referencing reinforces positive qualities.


Information sharing and assessment


Joint Council for Qualifications. An official (UK) body that oversees national qualifications.


Measurements deal with a quantification of data; there is a notion that everything that exists, exists in some quantity and can therefore be measured. See Assessment.


Monitoring and Evaluation.


Master of Arts


Middle Years Information System.


Oxford, Cambridge and RSA Examinations Board.


National Curriculum Tests.


National Council for Vocational Qualifications. It merged with SCAA in 1997 to form the QCA.


National Database of Accredited Qualifications.


Northern Examination and Assessment Board (see AQA).

Norm-referenced assessment

An assessment designed to discover how an individual pupil's performance or test result compares to that of an appropriate peer group. Norm referencing has been the normal procedure for the distribution of grades in public examinations. (Compare to criterion-referenced assessment and Ipsative referencing.)


National Vocational Qualification - a work-based qualification.


Optical Mark Reader.


Ordinary National Diploma.

Performance assessment

Systematic and direct observation of a pupil performance or examples of pupil performances and ranking according to pre-established performance criteria. Pupils are assessed on the result as well as the process engaged in a complex task or creation of a product.

Performance criteria

A description of the characteristics to be assessed for a given task. Performance criteria may be general, specific or holistic.

Performance management

This refers to the process for assessing the overall performance of a school principal or assistant teacher with reference to that person's job description (within the context of the School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Document - the STPCD). This assessment is then used for making plans for the individual's future development in the context of that particular school's improvement plan (SIP).

Performance Tables

The government publishes secondary and 16-18 performance tables each year. The tables report achievements in public examinations and vocational qualifications in secondary schools (and colleges of Further Education) so that schools can be compared with each other. Primary school performance tables are published by local education authorities and report pupils' achievements at the end of Key Stage 2.

Performance task

An assessment exercise that is goal directed. The exercise is developed to elicit pupils' application of a wide range of skills and knowledge to solve a complex problem.

Portfolio assessment

An assessment process that is based on the collection of pupil work (such as written assignments, drafts, artwork, and presentations) that represents competencies, exemplary work, or pupils' general progress.


Student record of achievement that includes a folder to store all certificates; previously NRA - National Record of Achievement. See EYFSP and RoA.


Recognising and recording progress and achievement. It is a tool to measure the progress and achievement of learners in the adult and community learning sector.


Schools are obliged to record pupils’ progress; there are several ways of doing this, amongst them are:

Portfolio of work

A folder or collection of documents, records or artefacts relating to a pupil’s work over several years. Items collected are often carefully selected after consultation with the child and annotated. Often used formatively in discussions between parents, teachers and child and for self-assessment.

Records of achievement (RoA)

A semi-public record of achievements and attainments by a child over a course of time, perhaps in a school. Was sometimes used to affirm and celebrate and often with a more summative, certificated feel than a portfolio.

Teacher records

A teacher controlled record system devised to assist in planning, providing and monitoring an appropriate curriculum for each pupil.


Record of Achievement (more commonly RoA).


An indicator of score consistency over time, or across multiple evaluators. Reliable assessment is one in which the same answers receive the same score regardless of who performs the scoring or how or where the scoring takes place. The same person is likely to get approximately the same score across multiple test administrations.


Headteachers in England are responsible for ensuring that they send a written report to parents on their child's achievements at least once during the school year. Schools may issue more than one report, provided that the minimum information is sent to parents by the end of the summer term. Forms of reporting traditionally include the following:

Parents evenings

Very common practice where parents get the opportunity to talk briefly to their child’s teacher about their progress and discuss any difficulties.

Written reports

An annual document from school to parents summarising the achievements and attainment of each pupil.

League tables of pupil attainment

Tables, often published in newspapers, in which schools are ranked in order of their aggregate levels of pupil attainment at a public assessment point, such as at the end of Key Stage 2. This is relatively simple to do, but tends to reflect the social circumstances of the pupil intake more than the particular contribution of the schools.

League tables of added value

Tables in which schools are ranked in terms of levels of pupil attainment at the end of a programme of study compared with their levels of attainment at the beginning of the programme of study. This reveals the gain, or added value but is technically difficult to produce.


Record of Achievement; see Profile.


Royal Society of Arts (see OCR). Also stand for Regional Subject Advisor.


Specific criteria or guidelines used to evaluate pupils' work.


Standard Assessment Tasks. Often erroneously referred to as standard assessment tests (which are copyrighted in America). They are more accurately known as NCTs - National Curriculum Tests.


The range of scores possible for the pupil to achieve on a test or an assessment. Performance assessments typically use a 4-6 point scale.


Scottish Vocational Educational Qualification equivalent to BTEC and Advanced GNVQ.


Southern Examining Group (see AQA).

Standardised tests

Assessments that are administered and scored in exactly the same way for all pupils. Traditional standardised tests are typically mass-produced and machine-scored; they are designed to measure skills and knowledge that are thought to be taught to all pupils in a fairly standardised way.


In education, Standards usually refers to the TDA list of Standards which beginning teachers are expected to attain in their training in order to achieve QTS.

Standards and Testing Agency

An executive agency formed in 2010 established within the Department for Education, taking over from the Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency (QCDA). It is concerned with the delivery of statutory assessment and reporting arrangements. STA has responsibility for the development and delivery of all statutory assessments at Key Stages 1, 2 and 3, and the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile. The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) ‘continues to have an important regulatory role in ensuring the integrity and impartiality of statutory assessment and testing’.


Testing refers to one procedure through which some kinds of evidence are obtained; it secures a sample of a pupils' or group's behaviour or product through a mechanism – a 'test'. See Assessment.


An indication that an assessment instrument consistently measures what it is designed to measure, excluding extraneous features from such measurement.


Year 11 Information System. It is used widely in the UK and elsewhere, forming a baseline for ‘value added’ measures in secondary schools.

Suggested reading

Alexander, R.J., Rose, J. and Woodhead, C. (1992). Classroom Practice and Classroom Organisation in Primary Schools. London: DES.

Alexander, R. J. (2004). Still no pedagogy? Principle, pragmatism and compliance in primary education. Cambridge Journal of Education, 34 (1), 7-34.

Bloom, B. S. and Krathwohl, D.R. (1956). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Classification of Educational Goals. Handbook I: Cognitive Domain. New York: Longmans.

Bruner, J. (1960). The Process of Education. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press.

Bruner, J. (1966). Toward a Theory of Instruction. Cambridge, Mass: Belkapp Press.

Bruner, J. (1996). The Culture of Education. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press.

Eisner, E. (1979). The Educational Imagination: on the design and evaluation of school programs. London: Macmillan.

Fielding, M. and Bragg, S. (2003). Students as researchers. Cambridge: Pearson.

Gardner H. (1983). Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. New York: Basic Books.

Gardner, H. (2000). Intelligence Re-framed: Multiple Intelligences for the 21st Century. New York: Basic Books.

Kolb, D. (1984). Experiential Learning. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall.

Krathwohl, D.R., Bloom, B.S., and Masia, B.B. (1964) Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Classification of Educational Goals. Handbook II: Affective Domain. New York: David McKay.

Piaget, J. (1926) The Language and Thought of the Child. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.

Piaget, J. (1950) The Psychology of Intelligence. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.

Torres, Carlos Alberto (1998). Education, Power and Personal Biography: dialogues with critical educators. London: Routledge.

Vygotsky, L.S. (1932, 1986). Thought and Language. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.